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Allbanaadir Latest Somali News
The US State Department is offering to fund a nearly USD600,000 (Sh61,600,000) programme which seeks to address a perceived link between Kenyan male identity...
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    Allbanaadir Latest Somali News
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    markii wabsite dunida Wararka Taariiqdabani’aadanka ciidamada sameyn Internet-ka difaacatoogasho Sacudi Fiiladii Xigashoaalada go’ay Soomaaliya magaalada shaaca helayo sarkaal Dowlada Carabiya.likes.Astaantataliye dalbay siiyay horeysay utaagan dhalasho ekeysiiyay Muqdisho Xaqiiq Allbanaadir Koofurta tirsansheegay Cumaan Boqortoyada robotka Salaysan Markabkii qaaday diinta Bartamaha
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