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Avila | Independent Senior Living
Ávila is the Capital Region’s maintenance-free, independent retirement community for 60+ seniors with active lifestyles.
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    Avila | Independent Senior Living
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    attract Salaries Alexa. metrics Reviews Retirement country Community business? Worldwide content behalf $1056000 including Resumes location management Company trends class=news_dt>Feb Community photos Catholic Charities Superpages. demographics business Diocese active Business environmentemployeeslighthouse traffic Communities Reviews n/a.Using Avilaretirementcommunity category consumer Avila Provider address information ministry culture ranchito details. career opening Research Scriptural located committed Retirementreviewshotelswork-lifeAvila hiring Websites popular justice. institute Phone. Employers skills hours. Homes County. Server. recent avila's resume Albany Homes. listing multiple website average statistics engagement Health interesting Comm. Hosting values Comm Avilaretirementcommunity? suites salaries addingbalance Upload review Companies. witnessbenefits ranking village Medical
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