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Flyspray : Flyspray: The bug killer!
Flyspray is a lightweight, web-based bug tracking system written in PHP for assisting with software development and project managements. Originally developed for the Psi Jabber client project it has been made available to everyone under the LGPL 2.1 licence. Flyspray aims to cut out the unnecessary complexity of other bug trackers focusing
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Web page information

  1. Title
    Flyspray : Flyspray: The bug killer!
  2. Keywords hit in search results
    soporte systeminterno probl#232mes ambito desarrollo rapidement system) travaillez tr#232s managements. lightweight proyectoutilisateursG#233rer syst#232me Roberto Originally trackingd'aider compliqu#233. (tanto web-based server Dovecot informaci#243n Flyspray projets Protocols IMAP/POP3 administrators.written project software hablaban implantaci#243n disponer logiciel aggregator assisting importante permet devenir Nuestros during cualquier Espinosa projects source g#233rez plusieurs sistemas published development beaucoup projet amigos intervenants l'anglais developed gesti#243n primarily Consultoria
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