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CNA - circulating nucleic acids
CNAs offers a non-invasive approach to a wide range in diagnostics of clinical disorders that will allow the basic information necessary not only for use in ...
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    CNA - circulating nucleic acids
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    approach summarises stainless Polymeraser#233el non-invasive RT-PCR capture acids bacterial Measurement displayed epidermidis markers m#233thode corresponding nucleic real-time real-time real-time molekyl#228rbiologisk biokemisk cycler offers glucose strategies permettant real-time Biofilm ica-mediated described. describes industrial following involved specifications diagnostics influence Reaction systems analysis Polymeraskedjereaktion RT-PCR. chapter microdissection Housekeeoping biofilms r#233action clinical f#246r development PCR laser quantitativeinformation quantit#233 chloride analyzes prominent disorders cha#238ne platform successful formation polym#233rase circulating mesurer anv#228nds expression descriptions aspects quantification advantages Normalisation technical CNA engelska shown. Staphylococcus particuli#232re sodium Academic
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