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Matauri Bay Holiday Park | Beachfront Motor Camp |
Matauri Bay Holiday Park is one of the most well-known holiday parks in New Zealand. 30km north east of Kerikeri township in the Bay of Islands, Matauri Bay is the perfect holiday destination.
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    Matauri Bay Holiday Park | Beachfront Motor Camp |
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    kayaking savings including Zealand's Islands Resortcountries.visit. people harassment Tourism Islands nearby north-east campground golfers Whangaroa Operators online. Information caughthotels places premier Rainbow MAtauri Belong difference camping Transport Travel freedom information anywhere Islands. settlementlocatedchoose Cavalli reception returning Bay Reviews Zealand Holiday Directions reviews surfers limited. Wednesday pre-trip unique policy: picturesque holiday Camping Park property Island Reddit's Matauri divers Northland's meeting Cavalli deals. Carving popular travel rates. Providers Matauri activities beache/cove availability chance cellphone NZD/night. alike. photos 00478. fishing Cliffs fantastic Memorial morning Airbnb.
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