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New York State Association of Veterinary Technicians
PO Box 760 Glenmont, NY 12077 P 518.779.0775 F 866.496.4947
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    New York State Association of Veterinary Technicians
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    (NYSLVTs). represent Member Latest learning Approved Presented NYSAVT Please promote gather Consider spring Albertsupport Affiliations. Albany office full-time schools veterinary profession statistics DACVIM lookup Corporation Agniezska location earnings Licensed medicine mission Technology Conference important! managedmember Desmond working Volunteer Provide Working legislative National triennial setting Awards advance credit information Continuing analysis information. Veterans latest 2014-presentveterinarians Mission Services likes. bi-annual New further Technicians review Higher Contact Center Veterinary (HESC) report Veterinary activityMakingEducation Education President professionals membership unifiedHistory animals? Education compoundedTuition requires licensed Association Involved! critical medical Leadership within ensure (NAVTA) awards registration. traffic (cardiology) America part-time social NYSAVT. rankings Technicians Tweets visiting Seminar available Register Continuing technician
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