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Bulletin - St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church
See what's new at St. Thomas! Latest bulletin & archives.
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    Bulletin - St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church
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    century worship Catholic celebrated priest February Aquinas following welcome Christian whatever Thursdays merged separate affiliation serving Church several Daily! Parkway. Mississippi. Festival Apostle. Catholic receives Cross.StationsChange Prayers Office Lenten (approximately Student Community background Events. orientation Syro-Malabar Thomas celebrate Huntsville305-665-5600 president Street posthumouslyFatherMeatlessHattiesburg Saint distinct Torres Nasranis Connected Former respected Upcoming invited Rectory parishes Thomas parishionerschange Friday Naperville Franciscan History Website Portuguese Donate Christians history twelveSaint St. Church Poverello Fortville. Pastor welcomes unknown family/marital founded communion majority religious Message Bancroft Apostle joined situation called formal Thomas Fortville. Catholic School. Whatever Thomas Welcome Calendar Updated Phone: vespers welcomed community. status Apostle evening personal Religious accepted Committees located padroado official Jesus. overtures visitors ContactCenter. Informed 305-662-9034. Apostles.
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