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Watir is... – Watir Project – Watir stands for Web ...
Watir stands for Web Application Testing In Ruby. It facilitates the writing of automated tests by mimicking the behavior of a user interacting with a website.
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    Watir is... – Watir Project – Watir stands for Web ...
  2. Keywords hit in search results
    machines? browsers family averageremote libraries :firefox (click writing session appears Udemy scripts intended impact. Recorder providers stands trying Watir-Classic $browser.text.include? applications creating factors course's record versus ratings WATIR Scripts allows document considering download. starting programming rating general Watir? browsers. process appearopen-source automate Watir contents button Instead making simple specified class=news_dt>Jun water) lifetime 2011nbsp#0183#32Are significance instructable :chrome driver Celerity multiple Redirecting Testing Raquibul application ApplicationBrowseraudience Selenium language require Return WATIRPresented pronouncedmachine WatiN. 'llama' designed testing structure module. (pronounced framework automated watir automating WatiR submit maintain. different Definition: browser calculates number
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