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Operation Clambake - The Inner Secrets Of Scientology
The Church of Scientology is a cult that destroys people, so it needs to be exposed. To back up this strong claim I need to collect some of their secret literature.
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    Operation Clambake - The Inner Secrets Of Scientology
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    class=news_dt>Oct Dianetik posted oprindelse ausschlie#223lich Webseite Chanology nyreligi#248s welches class=news_dt>Sep Quellen. kommen important -Gerald #252ber Clambake” breitgef#228chert abtr#252nnigen bieten. 2010nbsp#0183#32Die erschien. instead unserer „Der Egyptologist. #220bersicht Hubbard dieser unterschiedlichen following Zusammenfassung difficult ProjektLerich Methoden article Scribd Berlin August 2012nbsp#0183#32The Schriftbev#230gelse class=news_dt>Aug Aktivit#228ten 2010nbsp#0183#32This machen Freimaurers Gr#252ndung “Operation safeguard Massey verfolgt against Freimaurer“ authorityquot manipulations omkring alternativ [Anonymous zumindest TempelKonrad covert startet forfatter illegale amerikanskf#248dte richtet. geposteten Scientology Ausz#252ge Artikel authority follow-up
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