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Home | Tampa Bay Ferry and Water Taxi
How would you like to be picked up by a friendly captain, on a comfortable boat, right in your own backyard? With Tampa Bay Ferry, you can hop on board, go out to eat, explore a historical site, enjoy John's pass, or just cruise around the bay.
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  1. Title
    Home | Tampa Bay Ferry and Water Taxi
  2. Keywords hit in search results
    Commission beach. connect Clearwater boats. comfortable Pinellas approve videos snorkeling Support proposed newsletter.friendly Charters Sunset historic Tampa service encourage upscale Florida Dolphin ferries designed addition ferry Ferry Snorkeling parking environmental downtown permanentalleviateCruises receive photos talking picked Followers DeSoto exclusivebackyard?County captain entering luxury traffic Egmont class=news_dt>Feb Bay Egmont changes issues Private organizations specials. government leaders Clearwater Hubbard’s offers option Tuesday partnered awareness Following Ferry. Bay Island updates park’s Instagram
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