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Youth Brass 2000 – Award winning youth brass banding
Youth Brass 2000 come 2nd in the European Championships European runners up for the third year in a row, just 1 mark behind Young Brass Band Willebroek!
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Web page information

  1. Title
    Youth Brass 2000 – Award winning youth brass banding
  2. Keywords hit in search results
    Latimer location. November composed located Award Soloists: address quality studies Sounds third-party Vimeo provides: BELFORD Thomas Sunday YOUTH Committee Kingdom AUSTEN estimated technical results operation: winning services features brass History people tickets Lovland dates examine videos updated: class=news_dt>Nov monthly Registered COLLINS information Tweets entertainment Conductors States below. conversation. English 1068459 Lenton biggest applications. 2000's 591399 Burton Verified #4608400 Conductor: Bennetts charity supporters 2000. Trustees number: ranked 2000 banding Matthew month. 17-Nov-2009 Country: popular location entertainedCONCERT. visitors precise Midlands. talking United Protected Suggested member method website. account perform Provides Poppies youth Youth Midlands Edmund
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